Friday, July 23, 2004

Suggestions, please!

I was recently named Student Editor for the subject area of "Employees" at the new Law and Entrepreneurship Blog. I will be writing about developments in labor and employment law throughout the year to come. I am in the process of aggregating sources so that I get the absolute newest, tip-top information about the subject as it develops, and I need suggestions of tools (like aggregators) or sources (like blogs or news sites) that will help me accomplish my goal.

So far, I have:

Established Google News alerts for the various combinations of the words labor, employees, and law.

Put "George's Employment Blawg" into my Kinja blog aggregator, and am in the process of screening through George's Labor/Employment/HR blawg links.


I still need to contact a spokesperson for West and LexisNexis to get some help setting up their newsalerts system.  If you know how to set up alerts through Eclipse and WestClip (?), please e-mail me with details.


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