Wednesday, January 05, 2005

What's the Deal with Blogger?

My profile has said that I have written 246 posts for about two months, now. I'd like to know how many I've actually written, but I don't really care to count. Of course, one could reply, maybe I should be worrying about something else right about now...


Blogger Matthew said...

I e-mailed Blogger about this around three weeks after it started. Following is their response, sent to me on 11/29/04:

We have had to temporarily disable stats collection, which means that
stats and links will not be updating correctly on your dashboard or
profile. We plan to restore this functionality in the short term but
needed to stop collecting the information for now in order to stabilize
the database servers. We apologize for any inconvenience this problem

Blogger Support

Apparently, "short term" translates to two months. And counting.

7:12 PM  

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